Chemnitz – In regard to the 150th anniversary of Terrot the company presents itself now with a new “Look” under its new homepage
The target was to expand the information provided in the past and to make them more accessible. We did not only give the internet presentation a new "face". With the new clean design, updated company profile, detailed product information as well as informative company announcements the new Terrot website provides information now even more comprehensive more up to date and clearer. Via the creative as well as the technical redesign, the site presents a number of new contents.
From the first page on of the new website circular knitting will be explained and made "touchable". Heart of the optimised navigation is the innovative menu navigation, which offers different options to enter the site and to get a quick access to product information as well as deposited downloads. With the focus on customer requirements the structure of the front page is of importance with four main navigation points "machine type", "knitting technique", "application area" and "stitch structure". So each target group gets quickly to relevant information.
All information will be provided bilingually in English and German. Terrot´s new website will be permanently updated and extended.
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